PetParker | Smart Stations

Smart Station

PetParker | Smart Stations

Smart Station

PetParker | much more time together

Jorges Ebel is an entrepreneur passionate about dogs. One of his biggest woes was having to tie up his dog Thor in front of the supermarket whenever he needed to go shopping. One day, Thor managed to break free and went after his tutor. It was a big scare. That day, Jorges decided that he would find a solution for all dog owners living in urban centers and created PetParker. The start-up offers a smart “house” solution for dogs, with a ventilation system and video monitoring, triggered by reading a QR Code in the app. But it was necessary to develop an effective communication for the wrapping of the smart station.

What was the challenge to be solved by Criamia?

PetParker is a start-up that offers the protection service for dogs while their owners need to enter establishments such as markets, pharmacies and banks. Smart stations are accessed through the app, where owners can monitor their dogs in real time and make sure they are safe. However, it was necessary to reinforce the idea that PetParker is not a simple doghouse, much less a canine prison. It is a solution for pets to gain more space and mobility in urban centers, spending more time with their tutors instead of being alone at home. For this, it was necessary to communicate these values ​​effectively in the smart station itself.


What is the solution?

Much More Time Together!

To communicate PetParker’s purpose in wrapping the station, it was necessary to immerse ourselves in the values ​​and positioning of the start-up. We visited some stations in the city of São Paulo to understand and map the interaction between owners and animals when using PetParker, and so we realized that the station was little noticed by pedestrians and customers of the establishments. From this immersion, we developed a study of colors, illustrations and a tone of voice to arouse curiosity, inform the purpose of the service and create an emotional connection with pet fathers and mothers.


What’s the result?

PetParker is a solution fully aligned with the concept of a connected city, in which urban mobility solutions have a sharing character. The external communication of this smart station works as an offline media, capable of communicating with all people, animal tutors or not, so that they understand the importance of collectively thinking about quality of life for both humans and animals in large urban centers.


Esse projeto é sobre
external signs | 2020
O que a Criamia fez nesse projeto?

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